Re: Precursor data for the March 31 Taiwan earthquake Question EQF
Posted by Petra Challus on April 02, 2002 at 20:11:32:

Hello EQF,

As you are aware I have been seriously researching the ear tone experience and its possible connection to being a precursor to earthquakes for a little more than three years. But not once during that time have I ever given consideration to sending a warning to anyone outside of this message board arrangement based on an ear tone.

I have no idea what you really think about how this process works as you've never stated your position on this issue. This I find unfortunate. Also as a individual who does not routinely have this experience your ability to understand the true nature of the experience is somewhat limited.

The saying that "a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing" holds absolute truth in regard to ear tones and how they are interpreted and how the information for warnings are disseminated. Its a very serious issue, at least in my thoughts, which I do believe are mirrored by most tone sensitive people.

Actually, earthquake warnings are a serious matter, though when we who are learning do try to limit ourselves to not being to serious all of the time. I have only once stepped outside the boundaries of message boards to present a warning to a foreign government and it was not as a result of an ear tone. But it didn't to go any government agency or any scientific organization. It got circulated to newsgroups in Japan, quietly and very discretely. While the best news was that the quake did not occur, I did receive thanks for the warning and most felt that though the time had not arrived for this event, one day in the future it would play out exactly as I had told them it would.

While it may be possible to paper this issue on ear tones this year, it may have to wait until next December 2003 until I have it nailed down so it would be less likely to be refuted. But it is a serious effort, but not one that is ready for announcements of an international nature.

At this moment in time I have absolutely no idea what material you use to formulate a prediction that would be so ironclad as to make it worthy of deliverance outside of the US, or even inside the US. Don does make forecasts for foreign locations and quite often he is correct, or very close and yet, he's not sending any formal predictions outside of this medium either.

Like all of us here, you have the opportunity before you to work on your own special way of formulating predictions, one's with repeated patterns that show they work more often than not. If you are not at the point in time where your percentage of chance is above random chance then your efforts are not only being wasted, but you are allowing the door to your future to be closed prematurely.

Opportunities are only opportunties if you chose the right moment in time to seize them. But one must use caution, use much forethought and understand the "long term" ramifications of what is being done today and how it will affect the future. It is not only your future that is at hand, but the future of other earthquake predictors who will be batched together with your actions.

Years ago it used to be commonplace for Jean Dixon, Gordon Michael Scallion and a host of others who made headlines with their dramatic predictions. Some were good and the word got out, but as time progressed their batting averages waned and now no one's in the press these days. Somewhere out there in the world there is someone else who is gifted and probably could do as well or better than these others, but they won't be heard, because the errors of those of the past now reflect on those of the present. This ripple on the pond effect went negative instead of positive. Truly unfortunate.

I like to support anyone who tries because the effort in life saving says it all, but no one wants to be treated to having to work doubley hard to make a point because something else stood in their way before they got their moment on the podium.

This message says, be careful, be sure, be circumspect in your forecasting, be right more often than wrong and know the odds before the next message gets delivered. Do it for you and for those who follow behind you.
