Forecast events in southeastern Canada
Posted by Lowell on April 02, 2002 at 11:16:47:

Hey Don,
How about a little competition. In the April contest, it look like you have it - from


Her forecast for Southern Quebec looks pretty good to me.

Her contest forecast was for an event from 1 to 7 of April at 46.3N 74.2W Ml 2.0-3.5 within 80 km

For her forecast see:

For the earthquakes in this area including an unusual Ml 3.0 yesterday see:

By the way your forecast for Bathhurst, New Brunswick wasn't too shabby either.

A rockburst (caused by increase strains in mining areas - similar to increased strains
Causing earthquakes) was recorded by the Canadians as follows:

O: 29MAR2002 23:27:10 47.4N 65.9W MN=1.8 BATHURST, N.B.

Your forecast had been for:

F: 26MAR2002 +/-2 days 47.2N 66.0W Ml 2.0-3.0 within 35 km

This event was one day off but was within the 35 km limit and near the magnitude window.
Not bad for an event 3000 km away from you.

To see Don's Bathhurst, New Brunswick go to: