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Re: Survey– Proposed earthquake forecast registry Note For EQF |
Good Evening EQF, You said the following: I talk fairly often with government officials, international disaster mitigation personnel, and other earthquake forecasters around the world. And what I am hearing from them is that none of the earthquake forecasts being stored anywhere on the Internet are of any use to them. The problem is that those people do not have time to check different Web sites etc. for the forecast data. And even if they did then they might not understand the information in a given forecast. You know, you can talk a blue steak to those government officials, but if they aren't into public earthquake prediction and especially when they are delivered by an uncredentialed scientist, then blue flames are about all you're going to get. But insofar as understanding predictions, any moron who reads this board would have no problem understanding the predictions here because they are as I have stated before written in "the only acceptable format." I don't care how much sugar and spice you put on earthquake prediction, its still an ugly phrase out there and if you are talking about funding it, you'd starve first. But EQF I gotta give you credit where credit is due. We have already discussed this particular issue in the past, at least once during the past six months. On average you develop a new program about every two weeks. That takes a lot of brain power to keep thinking up stuff and by gosh, one of these days, I do believe you're going to get one whiz banger of an idea and it's gonna be right up there with Chia Pet. (Now readers, don't laugh, Chia Pet is one of the all time best sellers ever and at Christmas, every year they expand into different versions.) I can't take credit for thinking about the kind of stuff you do, all I get is ideas about people having whistles so they can blow them like hexl when they are lying in a pile of rubble in the middle of the night. Now I just gotta figure out who has enough money and the right connections and a true desire to fund this whistle project and it might do some real good in the world. A true Whistle Blowers Special. Just remember..."God loves a workin' man." Petra Follow Ups: ● Re: Survey– Proposed earthquake forecast registry Note For EQF - Canie 21:35:48 - 4/1/2002 (14482) (1) ● Re: Survey– Proposed earthquake forecast registry Note For EQF - Petra Challus 23:36:36 - 4/1/2002 (14489) (0) |
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