PREDICTION - Santa Barbara, California Earthquake Forecast (2.0-3.0)
Posted by Don In Hollister on March 27, 2002 at 08:47:27:

Magnitude: 2.2-3.0Ml
From: 03/30/2002UTC - To: 04/03/2002UTC
Location: Santa Barbara, California
Lat: 34.5N - Long: 119.7W - Range: 35Km

Hi All. I have replenished my supply of onions and garlic and Corona Beer. Also I’m able to get my swelled head through the door to where my computer is located by putting some axle grease on it.

Looking for a 2.0 to 3.0 quake at 34.5N/118.7W. This is about 10Km north of Santa Barbara, California.

Should occur on 04/01/2002. The window will open on 03/30/2002 and will close on 04/03/2002.

The radius for this is 35Km. Take Care…Don in creepy town

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Santa Barbara, California Earthquake Forecast (2.0-3.0) - chris in suburbia  06:57:36 - 3/28/2002  (14302)  (0)