Re: Are Major Earthquakes A Random Occurrence?
Posted by 2cents on March 18, 2002 at 06:23:35:

Hi All:

The link has another viewpoint on a "plan for our existence" as Petra has noted above. You may find it interesting ....

With regards to earthquakes, I think the surface answer is that their underlying generation is "random". However, that does not mean that precursors and other clues are not available to announce they are about to happen.

In a more in-depth look, chaos theory indicates that even seemingly random actitivity seems to hold "ordered structure" to it. So even seemingly random processes may one day be understood at a layer deeper than present. It's kind of like peeling back the layers of a big onion...revealing each new aspect of the problem.
Yes...dealing with onions may cause tearing of the eyes due to the onion's irritant...another aspect of some problems it seems.

With regards to Petra's comment:
>"today's question about where major earthquakes
>may strike in the future could be obtainable,
>but not in the places an average person would

I only want to tickle your grey cells and give you pause with this (possible) thought: "Just maybe some clues are in plain sight but that the average person has not looked there as yet...."

Just $.02's worth