Apology to EQF/Q. for Nancy
Posted by Cathryn on March 17, 2002 at 17:41:41:

Okay, I blew it. Please accept my sincere apologies for the harshness of my response below. I am always trying to teach my chidren that tone is everything. In this case, I definitely should have listened to my own advice.

Let me now (as I come to the computer for the first time today) try to rephrase politely, and with no excuses for my behavior, my central point:

EQF, you have made some astounding but unsubstantiated claims on this board. If you would like people here, both lay and scientific, not to simply skip your posts (as someone else suggested), but to take your research seriously, then I agree with many others that you need to either substantiate your claims with some proof or stop making them in this forum.

Don has made many successful predictions on this board, but remains humble and ever the gentleman. I, too, appreciate the gentlemanly way in which you responded to my abrasive post. Thank you. You have shown more class than I have.

But please, there is only one way to really put this issue to bed, as Lowell suggests, and that is for you to either make a valid prediction here or refrain from claiming in this forum that you have an unimpeachable success rate predicting earthquakes.

Many of us here *want* to believe you, myself included, which is why I have stayed out of the fray for so long. I find your theories interesting. But everytime you make a postdiction, your credibility quotient wanes.

Nancy, thank you for giving me the upbraiding I deserved. I was clearly out of line with my tone.

Still, one comment you made has me puzzled. Would you please tell me what xenophobia has to do with anything that's been going on with this board of late? By xenophobia, I take it to mean an "us vs. them" mentality and not true xenophobia, which is a fear of outsiders. I am most interested in your reply.

