PREDICTION - Burney, California Earthquake Forecast
Posted by Don In Hollister on February 25, 2002 at 21:08:32:

Magnitude: 2.0-3.0Ml
From: 03/04/2002UTC - To: 03/08/2002UTC
Location: Burney, California
Lat: 40.9N - Long: 122.0W - Range: 35KM

Hi All. Looking for a quake in one of my favorite places. There should be a 2.0 to 3.0 at 40.9N/122.0W. This is about 28Km west of Burney, California. Should occur on 03/06/2002. The window will open on 03/04/2002 and will close on 03/08/2002. The radius for this is 35Km. Take Care…Don in creepy town