Re: My New Jump Rope * A Kewl Thing
Posted by Petra on April 06, 2006 at 23:47:03:

Hi Penny,

I jogged about a mile last night, danced for an hour and then tried to jump rope but my rope is to lightweight so I have to fix it or get another better quality one. Today I found out I shouldn't have done all of that last night. Apparently I had a General Isenhour Ulcer and it got disturbed by all of my activities and now I have more problems. But I can't see the General Isenhour doctor until I see the cardiologist first, so I'll see him tomorrow. I had another ekg today and all was well. But because I was upset about General Isenhour my BP was way up. Maybe tomorrow the General won't seem so intimidating and I can move away from military maneuvers and heart rendering events and just have a normal life. Well, my kind of normal anyway. But I did lose 6 pounds since last Friday so the exercising is really working. Well, sort of.

My friend Shannon says she wants to get a jump rope too, but her family is not in favor. She told them she can still do it. We can all still do it. You know.
