Earthquake Advisory 29 Palms Area
Posted by Petra Challus on January 28, 2002 at 00:59:15:

Hi All,

It's that time for late night musing, but actually, I've been musing for a few days, waiting for crystal clarity that somehow hasn't exactly crystalized yet, but I thought this post has come of its time.

Ever since the last trip Don and I took to Parkfield I've had this strange sense, call it my sixth sense tapping on the back of the noggin' asking me an important question. The question is a simple one, but the answer is not. The question is, "In four years, of looking at earthquake prediction from a dozen angles, more methods than could ever be imagined and seeking out those scientists who are supposed to be in the know, and asking their opinions and reading their opinions, what do "I" think about it?" Well, be thankful, because at this moment in time, I'm not going to tell you what I think about it. Be glad for that.

But I do want to say something quite important and I hope this post will not be over-looked and tucked away in a fast scan. I was just reviewing my list of ear tones after I was sending another batch e-mail to Don tonight and something rather caught the gray cells and said, Uh O. In the years that I have been recording and matching ear tones, I have never had a time when there have been so many that have not caught quick matches; however, more importantly, at present there are far to many in Southern California and this bothers me greatly.

While I no longer post my ear tones I will say that there is an area that I have a concern for at this time due to multiple tones generating out of the same location. As to why the quakes aren't arriving in short order, can only lead me to believe at some point in time the earth will get on the move and this area is one that I think denotes some advance consideration. Another curious thing that happened was that on the morning we were on our way back from Parkfield, we stopped in San Miguel for gas and just as we were going out of the gas station, I got an ear tone there for the same place, though of course the length of the tone was shorter, as we were closer to this future epicenter, but from there the volume was higher.

Specifically, this is an area near 29 Palms and I would say would be within a 45 mile radius. The ear tones I have received though not alarming, are of a volume that should be in the 5.0 plus magnitude, but it could be that there may be several of them, or that they may trigger other quakes in the general vicinity.

I am sorry I cannot offer a time frame for this/these events, but I feel now is the time to bring it to your attention and perhaps others may be able to add their notes to mine, possibly supporting the possibility of this/these future events.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Earthquake Advisory 29 Palms Area - 2cents   05:26:04 - 1/29/2002  (12789)  (1)
        ● Re: Earthquake Advisory 29 Palms Area - Petra Challus  12:00:14 - 1/29/2002  (12805)  (1)
           ● Re: Earthquake Advisory 29 Palms Area - Cathryn88  01:45:39 - 1/30/2002  (12815)  (1)
              ● Re: Earthquake Advisory 29 Palms Area - Cathryn88  01:52:25 - 1/30/2002  (12816)  (0)