Re: Tuning in to Earthquake Warnings
Posted by Petra Challus on January 21, 2002 at 09:31:12:

Hi Billion,

Sometimes a good thing is noted and developed from such events and today we have Earthquake Tracker. (see link below).

The man who runs the show Tom is very easy to communicate with and when Don has a question regarding information he's seen, Tom has always been willing to discuss it and provide information.

What Don has learned so far is that each instrument has a range of about 20 miles, which is why they have so many along one fault. The second thing he has learned is that they are so sensitive that they can pick up auto ignitions for cars that are close by.

The site at Hayward picks up Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) so they are in the process of moving it to a new location.

When the meter registers at 3.5 or higher and stays there for at least three days, they will then send someone to check the equipment and take a portable unit to check readings in the surrounding area. So far as Don knows there has never been a quake in this area which has shown up on the data units prior to occurrence. These units can pick up a 4.0 if very close and a 5.0 or greater within 20 miles of the unit.

When the units measure 3.5 or above on the graph you will see the city name change from Black to Red. This doesn't mean much on its own until this pattern continues for at least 3 or more days.

Hope you enjoy watching.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Tuning in to Earthquake Warnings - Mary Maya  16:10:42 - 1/21/2002  (12684)  (0)
     ● Sorry Petra, my mistake, ULF is being tracked - Billion Watts  12:25:05 - 1/21/2002  (12675)  (0)