Posted by 2cents on January 18, 2002 at 22:23:48:
Regarding: "The California Earthquake Prediction Council evaluates earthquake predictions brought to them by members of the scientific community only." ++ Seems strange that they would limit themselves it they are really trying to solve the problem...kinda like trying to plug the damm with just one arm. I think Darwin pointed out that genetic lines which do not have diversity tend to self-terminate eventually...due to lack of adaptibility to the "threat" (whatever it may be). Regarding: "Scientists who believe the potential exists for a large earthquake, which may affect the lives and property of the citizens."
++ Ah yes...the telltale sign of the intuitives who are part of the rank and file but who carry the idea that just maybe ... It Can Be Done. What heretics...they should be sought out / hunted down and then...Put In Charge ! :-) It appears that there must be a lot of them with increasing numbers if they actually put together an EQ Pred. council to evaluate them. Looks like that Far Field Activation theme must have caught on a little behind the scenes.... .02