Re: Thank You One And All Hold The Phone
Posted by Petra Challus on January 18, 2002 at 21:41:14:

Hi Don,

I am glad you finally got some rest, you really needed it. And from your post I see that you are feeling better, which is much in your favor.

That little comment you made "I received two books today on rocks and minerals. One of them has a lot of pictures in it so even Petra should be able to understand it." I really take exception to.

You should recall that it was I who drug you from one end of Parkfield to the other discovering those gems we got, which in turn inspired you to purchase those books.

Ah, no matter what one does, someone has to take exception to it. You complain about my rock hunting and yet when I find good stuff you want to know more about it. Talk about difficult! Well, well!

When you get to feeling really good I'll remember your post.

(((((((((( Petra )))))))))))