Re: Cluster of Quakes off coast of Northern CA
Posted by on January 10, 2002 at 06:02:10:

At the time I was a HUB for RelayNet. The internet was still sans www....At the time I felt
a very intense release of stress pressure. Also at that time I lived very close to some of the epi's, not so now. I know RelayNet is still up as an internet alternative but am not sure if they archived before they sold out a couple years ago. Also I didn't save copies of predictions...but that particular one was predicted both by myself and Jack Coles who called it in to KGO. He was using a device which monitored changes in the geomag field..Also before prediction there was a small herd of whales which beached a few days before...I was very psyched on that prediction and stayed pumped mentally for quite a bit.