PREDICTION - Rohnert Park, California Earthquake Forecast
Posted by Don In Hollister on December 14, 2001 at 23:08:39:

Magnitude: 1.5-2.5Ml
From: 12/17/2001UTC - To: 12/21/2001UTC
Location: Rohenrt Park, California
Lat: 38.4N - Long: 122.6W - Range: 40Km

Hi All. Had a great time at the AGU this year. Learned a lot of new stuff and had some old ones cleared up.

I was able to talk to some people from Japan, but wouldn’t you know it. Not one of them had any first hand knowledge about the upcoming Tokai quake. One gentleman did express some concern for the Kanto Plains area though. From what he has heard from those who are studying that area is that the quake activity has slowed down considerably.

I’m happy to report that Petra didn’t holler at me once about my driving, well maybe she did one time. However she almost put her foot through the floors boards more then once so I guess there is room for improvement in regards to my driving.

Petra made sure I had plenty of raw onion and garlic sandwiches, but ran out of Moosehead Beer so I had to use Anchor Steamer Beer. Not to bad in a pinch.

Looking for a 1.5 to 2.5 quake at 38.4N/122.6W. This is about 10Km NE of Rohnert Park, California. Should occur on 12/19/2001. The window opens on 12/17/2001 and will close on 12/21/2001. The radius on this is 40Km.

Also looking for a 2.0 to 3.0 quake at 37.6N/122.0W. This is about 1Km east of Union City, California. Should occur on 12/20/2001. The window opens on 12/18/2001 and will close on 12/22/2001. The radius on this will be 40Km.

Last, but not really last is a 2.0 to 3.2 quake at 37.4N/122.2W. This is about 10Km WNW of Los Altos, California. Should occur on 12/21/2001. The window opens on 12/19/2001 and will close on 12/23/2001. The radius on this will be 40Km. Take Care…Don in creepy town