Re: Earthquake Summary for December 8, 2001 (last for now)
Posted by on December 08, 2001 at 19:27:00:

Lowell Said:
P.S. This is the last daily report which will be posted by me until
sometime late in January, 2002. I will be unable to continue this
while on vacation in the eastern U.S.

Me Says:
Well let me tell you this my friend. You are one of the best things to happen to EQ predition since I have been into it and I might suggest the best ever. We will miss you....I certainly will miss you. If you have any capability of hanging a portable computer on this trip and have no connection, then I have a UNIX Shell account in 3 places and would be more than willing to let you use them. I was down in the dumps with EQ predictions...I was ready to give it all up, and then by came on the scene. I admit to being sceptial at first but if an award were given for this notion, you would at least get my wote for most tollerant...and I suggest that many would you win...and knowing this...please make sure to be back. We will miss you very much.

Rev. Bob Shannon Sr.
Pinpoint and "The Rev"