PREDICTION - Chenny, Mount Vernnon, Washington Earthquake Forecast
Posted by Don In Hollister on December 05, 2001 at 11:53:26:

Magnitude: 2.5-3.5Ml
From: 12/11/2001UTC - To: 12/15/2001UTC
Location: Chenny, Washington Plus One
Lat: 47.3N - Long: 117.6W - Range: 40Km

Hi Bob. So you’re interested in Washington. Here are a couple of places for you. One of them might catch your interest as it’s near Idaho.

The first one is a 2.5 to 3.5 at 47.3N/117.6W. This is about 15Km SSW of Chenney, Washington. Just in case you’re interested this puts it about 35Km SSW of Spokane, Washington. Should occur on 12/13/2001. Window opens on 12/11/2001 and will close on 12/15/2001. The radius on this is 40Km.

The second one is a 2.0 to 3.0 at 48.4N/122.2W. This is about 10Km ESE of Mount Vernon, Washington. Should occur on 12/13/2001. The window opens on 12/11/2001 and will close on 12/15/2001. The radius on this is 40Km.

The data gives me the most probable time and location. It doesn’t give me the magnitude. Researching the past history of quakes in a given area gives me the most probable magnitude of the expected quake. There are a few forecasts that I make that could be a major quake, but at present time there is no way of knowing this beyond any doubt. Take Care…Don in creepy town