And a few more-for Bob
Posted by on November 29, 2001 at 06:04:50:

How would you go about replicating the experiment. Was your goal to see how many could detect the ULF/VLF waves ?

ME: Well I am so sure that it can be replicated at least for Jane and I, but the folks who were part of the experiment...gone..One couple moved back to Pa...and my good neighbor Grizz died last year of a massive heart attack at 49 years. BUT! I can tell people what to listen for..and it sometimes takes a good while say an hour before they are honed in....I only had one person who was not able to hear and noted that but did not figure the reason.

What would you do to vary anything Or would there just be natural variation happening (like the frequency changing...)

It is a natural change in frequency...I would make a rough guess at from 3000 to 5 or 6000 and then back down again with the baseline being 3000.
I had nothing to do with the change...It was Ma Nature.

So the experiment would start after Andy X would dig up some crystals in the ground ? Or there was also an ambient level all the time that would come and go...?

ME: Andy was just a side note and one of the people who apparently experienced this before we had moved up here. Nobody on our property dug or experimented underground. Were live in a heavily mined area...mostly gold but some radio active material as well...We had geologists maps indicating the type of geology under us.

1) What was the source of the audio waves? A piezocrystal excited by a waveform generator which physically pressed the crystal?

ME: I assumed and presumed it was the crystal.Piezo effect was a question because of the frequency of piezo and the sounds which we heard being much lower....couple of questions we had too...Was it harmonics?...We simply reached consensus on that. We decided it was simply 3000cps and were not aware of piezo in depth. We had no net access back then although I did ask my father at the time to do some research for me. Dad worked for the DOD in helping set the net up for giving to the "people". He was a grunt worker using his DOD and Retro Analyst work to access...

Hey...This is about as much as I have talked about this in "public". I appreciate your interest. My circle of friends were more counter culture and not too interested in the science of this...they spoke more of karma and ether and such which I also understand to some degree...but as far as your knowledge...I really appreciate the questions...It has sharpened my memory!