Evaluation of Don's Marathias, Greece forecast
Posted by Lowell on November 28, 2001 at 19:33:15:

Hey Don,
Good call on the Marathias, Greece earthquake

NOA is locating the following earthquake:

O: 28NOV2001 03:20:38 38.4N 21.8E ML=3.2 NOA GREECE


You had forecast on November 22, 2001 (Post #11209):

P: 24-28NOV 65 km of 38.4N 22.0E MD=2.9-4.1 Marathias, Greece

This forecast matches the event in all regards, being within
the stated time, distance (about 25 km away) and magnitude limits.


Unfortunately, the probability of the forecast event occurring
by random chance in your 5-day window was pretty high. Since
November 20, 2000 there have been 73 5-day windows, 26 of which
have contained at least one "successful" event within 65 km of your
stated epicenter. This is a probability of 0.35 for random success
or odds of success of about 1 in 3. You might get rich, but it
won't happen quickly with odds like that.

Don's Forecast had read:

Marathias, Greece Earthquake Forecast
Posted by Don In Hollister on November 22, 2001 at 10:53:21:

Magnitude: 2.9-41Md
From: 11/24/2001UTC - To: 11/28/2001UTC
Location: Marathias, Greece
Lat: 38.4N - Long: 22.0E - Range: 65Km

Hi All. Kind of looks like I'm going to stay dry this time around.

Looking for a 2.9 to 4.1 quake at 38.4N/22.0E. This is about 2 Km NW of
Marathias, Greece. Should occur on 11/26/2001.
The window will open on 11/24/2001 and will close on 11/28/2001. The radius
on this will be 65Km. Take Care...Don in creepy town