Preliminary results for Canie's ear tones study
Posted by EQF on November 25, 2001 at 10:26:13:

November 25, 2001

Congratulations Canie. You appear to be a member of the international community of people who are "earthquake sensitive."

The following are my own opinions.

An earthquake forecasting program which I am developing presently involves collecting sun, moon, and ocean tide crest and trough data for times when earthquake sensitivity type earthquake warning signals are detected. Those data are then compared with similar data for past earthquakes. When a good match is found it indicates to me that another earthquake could be about to occur near where the previous one occurred.

That program has up until now relied on my own data. However it has been my assumption that it should also work for other people. And I have been trying to determine if anyone else has any data which could be run through the program in order to demonstrate that this is in fact the case. Canie recently sent me a list of 15 times dating back to May of 2001 when she detected brief tones in one ear or the other. And the following are some of the preliminary results obtained by running her data through my program. An effort is underway to generate a more detailed report on those data.

1. None of the ear tone times detected by Canie occurred at the same time as any of the warning signals, including ear tones, on my own list. That was a little surprising to me. And I believe that it says something important about the nature of these warning signals. At this time I am not sure if I could propose what that might be.

2. At least one, and probably a number of Canie’s signals appeared to be pointing to the same earthquakes as ones being pointed to by signals on my own list, especially the following strongly felt earthquake:

2001/09/18 14:51:03 12.90N 88.88W 61.9 5.0
Off The Coast Of Central America (data from a NEIS table)

Signal detection dates and times (UTC format)

01/09/16 19:56:00 A warning signal from my own list
01/09/17 14:22:00 Right ear tone on Canie's list
01/09/19 15:15:00 A warning signal from my own list

All three of those warning signals appeared to be pointing to that earthquake including the signal detected the day following the earthquake. I have observed that warning signal delay type effect on quite a few occasions. And I am presently guessing that it is not aftershock related. Instead, some other type of event may be taking place in the fault zone, most often within 48 hours of the time the earthquake occurs.

3. A number of the ear tones on Canie’s list appeared to be pointing to earthquakes which occurred almost exactly one or two months AFTER the signals were detected. That is something which I have also observed with my own data.


1. My preliminary analyses of Canie’s ear tone data indicate to me that many of her signals were probably associated with events taking place around the world in fault zones where earthquakes were about to occur. How those signals are being generated, how they are being carried around the world, and how they are entering the body and mind and manifesting themselves as ear tones is still unknown. Low frequency radio waves might be involved as could be fluctuations in the Earth’s geomagnetic field.

2. It would be my guess that there could be thousands or perhaps even tens of thousands of people around the world who are earthquake sensitive and who can hear those types of ear tone signals before earthquakes occurring around the world. And it seems reasonable to me that an effective earthquake forecasting program might be developed based on information collected from perhaps as few as 100 of those people.

When someone heard an ear tone he or she would note the time it was heard. And when time permitted, he or she would call a special 1-800 telephone number and the send that ear tone time information to researchers by entering the data on the telephone keypad. A computer on the other end of the telephone line would record the ear tone time information, compare it with times for past earthquakes, and attempt to determine if there were any good matches.

It could be that the use of such a simple and inexpensive procedure would make it possible for us to determine when and where many of our destructive earthquakes were going to occur.

Other Earthquake Forecasting Programs

On the average, some 10,000 lives are reportedly lost every year because of earthquakes. And efforts to construct buildings which will remain standing during powerful earthquakes are quite important. But by themselves they will not completely eliminate risks associated with earthquakes. Effective procedures for predicting them need to be developed.

There are quite a few people and groups around the world which are claiming that they can forecast earthquakes. And I expect that some of them can probably do that. My recommendation to those people and groups is to DO SOMETHING! Publish technical papers on your forecasting procedures. Get patents on them. Enter into licensing agreements with government agencies or commercial firms. You will not save many lives if you simply sit there.