PREDICTION - Hollister, California Earthquake Forecast |
Magnitude: 2.5-3.5Ml Looking for a 2.5 to 3.5Md at 36.8N/121.5W. This is about 12Km SW of Hollister, California. Should occur on 11/28/2001. The window opens on 11/26/2001 and will close on 11/30/2001. The radius on this is 40Km. This quakes epicenter is about 14Km NW of the 5.4Ml we had on 08/12/1998, which was on the San Andreas fault. The quake for the 28th will also be on the San Andreas fault. Now having made my forecast all I can do is sit back, put my heels up and wait for what ever comes this way. Take Care…Don in creepy town Follow Ups: ● Re: Hollister, California Earthquake Forecast - Jenny frm NZ 13:28:38 - 11/20/2001 (11179) (1) ● Re: Hollister, California Earthquake Forecast - Don In Hollister 16:40:00 - 11/20/2001 (11180) (1) ● Re: Hollister, California Earthquake Forecast - Jenny frm NZ 20:54:48 - 11/20/2001 (11183) (1) ● Re: Hollister, California Earthquake Forecast - Petra Challus 23:01:59 - 11/20/2001 (11184) (0) |