PREDICTION - Healdsburg, California Earthquake Forecast
Posted by Don In Hollister on November 18, 2001 at 23:06:37:

Magnitude: 2.7-3.9Ml
From: 11/25/2001UTC - To: 11/29/2001UTC
Location: Healdsburg, California
Lat: 38.7N - Long: 122.8W - Range: 40Km

Hi All. Things are starting to pick up a little. Kind of looks like the rest of the week we can see a slight increase in over all activity.

Looking for 2.7 to 3.9 quake at 38.7N/122.8W. This is about 10Km NNE of Healdsburg, California. Should occur on 11/27/2001. The window opens on 11/25/2001 and will close on 11/29/2001. The radius on this is 40Km.

I had to refill my fridge with Moosehead Beer as the last couple of days put a dent in my supply. I have a feeling though that’s not going to be enough. Take Care…Don in creepy town