PREDICTION - Petrolia, California Earthquake Forecast
Posted by Don In Hollister on November 18, 2001 at 01:54:50:

Magnitude: 2.5-3.5
From: 11/21/2001PST - To: 11/25/2001PST
Location: Petrolia, California
Lat: 40.3N - Long: 124.3W - Range: 40Km

Hi All. There is a good chance of a 2.5 to 3.5 at 40.3N/124.3W. This is about 4Km SSW of Petrolia, California. Should occur on 11/23/2001. The window will open on 11/21/2001 and will close on 11/25/2001. The radius for this will be 40Km.

This isn’t the same quake forecasted for 11/25/2001. These are two separate quakes and each have their own trigger (s). There is a slight chance that both could occur, but for right now I don’t see that happening. This is based on having watched that area for more then 3 years now. I don’t recall ever seeing 2 quakes occurring in the same area that close together in time. Anyway it’s going to be interesting to see what does happens and in what order.

One other thing. A friend of mine has commented more then once about what he calls “Echo Quakes” Whenever there is a quake in the area of Eureka/Petrolia more often as not there will be one near Redding, California. This doesn’t happen each and every time, but often enough that I have started looking for it. Take Care…Don in creepy town