PREDICTION - Eugene, Oregon Earthquake Forecast
Posted by Don In Hollister on November 08, 2001 at 11:54:42:

Magnitude: 2.4-3.9Md
From: 11/09/2001 - To: 11/13/2001
Location: Eugene, Oregon
Lat: 43.0N - Long: 128.4W - Range: 40Km

Hi All. This forecast should make Lowell work a little harder then usual. He will really have to look hard to find an indication of a quake and score it. The problem is the quake may be too small to register on a seismograph. However to make it easy for him it will be a miss if there is no indication of a quake anywhere in the area.

There should be a quake with a magnitude 2.4 to 3.9 at 43.0N/128.4W on 11/11/2001. This is about 300Km off the coast of Oregon and about 425Km WSW of Eugene, Oregon. The widow opens on 11/09/2001 and will close on 11/13/2001. The radius is 40Km.

This forecast is based on ear tones from two people at different locations and the data I use. Take Care…Don in creepy town

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Eugene, Oregon Earthquake Forecast - Plus - Petra Challus  18:13:32 - 11/8/2001  (10779)  (0)