Re: Earthquake Precursors
Posted by Petra Challus on November 02, 2001 at 20:17:54:

Hi Don,

Sometimes I like to look at these matters more in the esoteric way and though it may seem far out to some, perhaps to others not. Maybe its just our "school of thought" that separates the two.

From the view of esoterica, the Earth and the entire Solar System are no more than a vibration that we perceive in form. We also as human beings are part of this vibratory pattern. Basically, we are all electric in the wider sense. Thus, this person with a piece of equipment detects this electric signal, but we humans do as well. In using an example of precursors to heart attacks, the human body is visited by a pain signal that warns the mind of the body to become aware that a vital organ is not operating correctly. In the sense of earthquakes, we electric beings also perceive physical sensations, ear tones, head aches and a variety of other physical phenomena.

As citizens in the "vibratory universe" we are attached to it and thus, for some, the etheric relationship, when not blocked out by "pure mind" is perceptible.

Just to cite an interesting example, the human being has an aura, some folks see them, such as I and unfortunately in the majority, most don't. You can be taught how to see them and it doesn't involve any hocus pocus to do so. But what does it aura tell me when I see it? Quite a number of things, including the health of the individual, if they are very intent in thought (an orange tone), if they are happy (very blue), if they are pure in thought (bright white) and so much more.

The universal connection does exist; but how very sad it makes me when so often so many cannot enjoy the marvels of what is right in front of them. The body electric says it all.

From The Far Side....Petra