Re: Note for Roger and Skywise - December 27, 2013
Posted by Roger Hunter on December 27, 2013 at 14:54:22:


> I actually value your opinion regarding programming languages other than Perl. And with humor intended I will propose that when you go off to your eternal reward, if you ignored all of Santa's warnings and land in the "other place," then as a form of punishment you are going to be forced to write Perl language programs for the rest of eternity.

YIKES!! Not even YHVH could be that cruel!

> Julia might not yet be mature enough for our purposes.

Very possible. I still think Natural Language should work.

> Fortran would be. But I want to determine this for certain before recommending anything. And I am giving the Perl people perhaps one last chance to start helping. I did get the Perl PDL module to finally work. But I could not get it to draw plots. So there is still something more needed.

Fortran too uses external libraries.

> Jumping to Fortran wouldn't be a problem for me. However, the fact that it doesn't run on Internet servers as far as I am aware makes it a little less attractive. Perl is probably on most or all of them.

Why is that a consideration? Do you propose interactive programs?
