More Amit results
Posted by Skywise on November 01, 2013 at 02:29:21:

I've managed to find and incorporate into my program the formula for converting the Z score to the normal distribution (percentile) without the need to reference a look up table. YAY!!!

Roger -
Note that 2.718281828459 is "e", and .39894228 is "1/sqrt(pi^2)"

So, here again are the results of my program number crunching Amit's prediction list as updated by Roger.

This is evaluating each prediction with the magnitude given:

Total Predictions: 212
Total Hits: 50
Standard Deviation: 10.3210039
Normalized Score: 0.0584786
Percentile: 52.33

And this is the same list but forcing all predictions to be 6.5 or greater rather than the exact values in the list:

Total Predictions: 212
Total Hits: 63
Standard Deviation: 10.3868372
Normalized Score: -0.3886555
Percentile: 34.88


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: More Amit results - Roger Hunter  02:45:27 - 11/1/2013  (101253)  (1)
        ● Re: More Amit results - Skywise  03:13:50 - 11/1/2013  (101254)  (0)