Earthquake Warning – October 5, 2013
Posted by EQF on October 05, 2013 at 14:09:46:

Earthquake Warning Posted by EQF on October 4 and 5, 2013

Two fairly strong EM Signals were detected at the following times:

2013/10/05 01:49:00 UTC
2013/10/04 23:14:00 UTC

My forecast Web site "Comments" area and Chart A and Chart B have all been updated.

When two fairly strong EM Signals are detected within a few hours of one another as was the case here, those are usually my most reliable signals. And they usually indicate that some powerful seismic activity is getting ready to occur somewhere, perhaps 50% of the time or better. Two signals like that were detected on September 17, 2013. And the powerful earthquakes in Pakistan and Peru occurred within about 7 days.

There was no strong solar storm activity around September 17, 2013. It appears to amplify those signals. And so in that case the actual energy source might have been the Pakistan and Peru fault zones themselves.

In contrast, there HAS been some strong solar storm activity these past few days. I expect that it probably amplified those signals. And so instead of being perhaps a 7.5 magnitude earthquake, the expected approaching one or two might have magnitudes as low as 6.5. And it or they should be fairly shallow.

Still, if a shallow 6.5 magnitude earthquake occurs near where you happen to be at that time then you are likely going to be well aware that it occurred !!!

There is actually more that I could say regarding expected magnitudes and even locations. However, children and other impressionable people read the notes that are being posted here. So I will usually circulate additional information like that by E-mail. But, most of what I believe that I know can still be deduced from the data that are stored on my forecast Web page.

These are personal opinions.

Follow Ups:
     ● Update - October 9, 2013 - EQF  13:13:22 - 10/9/2013  (101024)  (0)