Peru Earthquake – September 25, 2013
Posted by EQF on September 25, 2013 at 14:25:54:

Peru Earthquake – September 25, 2013

The following powerful earthquake has just occurred:

2013/09/25 16:42:43 15.86S 74.55W 39 6.6 47km S of Acari, Peru

I ran that earthquake through my computer programs and compared it with individual EM Signals detected during September. There appear to be a number of low intensity signals that were probably pointing to its approach. However, I generally don’t circulate warnings based solely on low intensity signals unless there are a tremendous number of them detected during a short period of time. They are then usually pointing to Japan – Indonesia area earthquakes.

There was at least one high intensity EM Signal detected around September 8, 2013 that probably pointed to the Peru earthquake’s approach. However, my forecast program charts draw full scale line peaks that are most strongly influenced by the most intense EM Signals detected during a 90 day period of time. So weaker signals such as ones that might have been pointing to that 6.6 magnitude earthquake could easily be forced to being invisible on the charts because of the presence of much stronger signals pointing to that 7.7 magnitude Pakistan earthquake.

These are personal opinions.