Re: Update - September 21, 2013
Posted by Roger Hunter on September 21, 2013 at 10:07:22:

My data indicate to me that that one might have been one of the relatively low magnitude earthquakes I was expecting. So, that would mean one of two (or three) things:

1. There is another relatively low magnitude one still approaching plus a fairly high magnitude one.

2. There is a single high magnitude earthquake that is still approaching.

3. Or, my observations and theories related to these phenomena still need more refinements.

The original EM Signals were detected on September 17, 2013. And the usual 5 day Time Window for a powerful earthquake to occur would close tomorrow night, the 22nd.

Also as I proposed, 50% of the time the powerful one might not occur for a while. But it should be pretty obvious which one it is if it does occur before tomorrow night.

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     ● Re: Update - September 21, 2013 - Roger Hunter  10:20:29 - 9/21/2013  (100895)  (0)