Re: They Did It Again! - - A glitch
Posted by Roger Hunter on September 06, 2013 at 12:36:55:

The output format for a NEIC search is UNIX so to TrueBasic it looks like one long line.

I can't fix that; there's no way to input a character at a time looking for the LF. Crimson Editor can do it but that's an extra step.

Inconsiderate of them, to say the least.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: They Did It Again! - - A glitch fixed - Roger Hunter  14:44:59 - 9/6/2013  (100821)  (0)
     ● Re: They Did It Again! - - A glitch fixed - Roger Hunter  14:44:33 - 9/6/2013  (100820)  (0)