Re: Update – July 14, 2013
Posted by EQF on July 14, 2013 at 11:31:41:

Most of the low, moderate, and high intensity EM Signal activity stopped rather abruptly on Saturday, July 13, 2013.

My theory is that this is because the sun and the moon were near one another in the sky last week when all of the signals were being detected. Now they are moving farther apart. Their combined gravitational pulls are not as strong on the fault zones. And the fault zones are not as inclined to generate EM Signals.

However, the fault zones are continuing to gradually add strain energy and are already near the fracturing point. And this or these expected earthquakes will occur the first chance they have.

There is a new volcano - EM Signal theory that I am starting to evaluate. It will be explained as soon as I have a report discussing it prepared.

These are personal opinions.

Follow Ups:
     ● Update – South Sandwich Islands Earthquake - July 16, 2013 - EQF  07:43:31 - 7/16/2013  (100702)  (0)