Solar Storm - Earthquake - Tornado Links - June 2, 2013
Posted by EQF on June 02, 2013 at 07:03:50:

Holy Cow! It has been so long since this was being investigated that I completely forgot about it until late yesterday.

These EM Signals are almost exactly aligned with all of the tornado activity that is taking place. However, past observations indicated that the signals were being detected hours to as long as several days before the tornados.

I am not going to try to go into too much detail regarding possible mechanisms. However it might be that solar storm energy is interacting with earthquake fault zones and causing the signals to be generated. And when atmospheric conditions are right those new energy fields encourage normal storm clouds to change into tornado spawaning clouds.

Back around 2007 I personally met with U.S. government tornado forecasting personnel and discussed this possible link with them. But they stated that they thought that the concepts were too radical and "politically incorrect." So they weren't going to investigate the matter. Perhaps if they had investigated this matter at that time we would now have an advanced tornado forecasting method developed.

Anyway, new actions are scheduled to get underway later today regarding this subject matter. And this time I am probably going to very strongly recommend that something get done.

These are personal opinions.