Re: Suspect 7M near Southern Sumatra
Posted by EQF on February 26, 2013 at 06:32:12:

Hi Shan,

No strong EM Signals have been detected for a while. So, I can’t add too much information related to your forecast. That lack of strong signal activity is probably partly due to the lack of strong solar storm activity.

Usually I don’t’ update my forecast Web page charts too often unless some strong signals are detected. If they are then I try to update my charts as quickly as possible.

There is a strong peak at 100 E on the 45 day Time Window for the February 21, 2013 Chart A. That might have some significance.

When you or others think that an earthquake might be about to occur near one occurred in the past, if I can get some time free, I can run the earthquake through my computer programs to see if it matches any recent strong signals. That can be an especially valuable resource where possible strong aftershocks for a recent earthquake are concerned.

My computer programs are presently being modified so that Pavel’s data can be displayed on the same charts as my data and appropriate earthquake data. Your data will probably be next and then Amit Dave's data.

This is easy work to do. But it takes a lot of time to generate all of the computer code.