Re: Earthquake prediction for February 2013
Posted by Skywise on February 01, 2013 at 21:57:37:


You should not feel unwelcome here. All some of us are trying to do is educate you about a few things. It's like you are trying to make an argument about differential calculus when you don't seem to even understand basic algebra.

Don't be discouraged with your ideas. Science is all about changing ideas, changing theories to adapt to new information and new data. New ideas succeed not only be being proven, but also by failing to be disproven. I suspect english is not your native language, so I hope that makes sense to you. If not, I'll try to reword it for you.

Take the criticisms seriously. Try to understand what we are saying. Learn something new that may help you improve your ideas.

And finally, there's is nothing bad about being wrong about something. It's how we learn. We've all been wrong before.
