Re: Recipe for success
Posted by Skywise on January 22, 2013 at 17:21:42:

Stan goes for anything mag 4 and over. 7 day windows.

Yes, his circles can be huge. I seem to recall when I did my analysis of him years ago that I measured some of them in excess of 3000km diameter. You plop a circle that big for a week somewhere on the Ring of Fire, you are almost guaranteed to see at least a magnitude 4 quake.

Just reviewed my analysis... I apparently found some circles over 4000km across!!!

And then, he's also known for using "close enough". There was a case where he claimed a hit for a quake in Pakistan that would have required the nearest prediction circle to more than double in size to include the epicenter.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Recipe for success - Roger Hunter  17:40:04 - 1/22/2013  (100182)  (0)