11-19-2014, 02:17 AM
I'm in Washington D.C., pretending to be a "big shot", which I am not. I'm on a National Science Foundation (NSF) panel. Proposal are written for research funding, some to NSF, and sent out for review. The reviews are sent back, and then a diverse group of scientists are gathered to determine the value of the proposals from a broader perspective, to make recommendations for funding. The NSF program directors then decide what to fund. The whole process is interesting, at least to me. Whether I post more on this depends on whether anyone is interested.
Your tax money.
Panel members are confidential, but up to individuals whether to be anonymous or not. I choose to tell certain people I am on the panel, but on line, I'll just be "Island Chris"
Your tax money.
Panel members are confidential, but up to individuals whether to be anonymous or not. I choose to tell certain people I am on the panel, but on line, I'll just be "Island Chris"