Joining the seismic dots 16 / 1 / 2017

Apologies for the miss-understanding, sometimes frustrated people speak out of turn without thinking, and get the wrong end of the stick ... or so I am told !.  Hope I can make it up by sharing something I discovered today, quite by chance (no pun intended), but I have to type the following formula first, before I can describe it.

27th Jan Satellite resumed operation today at ............................................................................................... 07:00 ut
             Centre of moon on 68' 53' E + 7.25 degrees West = 61' 38' E 
             Sunset at bearing 175' 50' E - 21' 07' S (15th Jan) occurred at .......................................................... 07:00 ut

28th Jan New Moon ..................................................................................................................................... 01:19:05 ut
             Centre of sun on 163' 27' E - 18' 11' S (12th Jan)                                                                                                                            Centre of moon on 163' 27' E - 15' 56' S  (12th Jan) + 7.25 degrees East = 170' 42' E - 15' 56' S ***
             Centre of moon on 163' 27' E + 7.25 degrees West = 156' 12' E (12th Jan)
             Transition of night to day at bearing 60' 30' E - 25' 0' N Iran/Pakistan border and Owen Fracture Zone  01:19:05 ut

             Centre of sun on 60' 30' E ............................................................................................................... 08:11 ut
             Transition of day to night at bearing 163' 59' E - 18' 06' N (12th Jan) occurs at .................................. 08:11 ut
             Sunset at bearing 149' 38' E - 5' 22' N (6th Jan) occurs at ................................................................. 08:11 ut

             Centre of sun on 57' 15' E ... opposite longitude = 122' 45' W ........................................................... 08:24 ut
             Centre of moon on 60' 49' E
             Transition of day to night at bearing 175' 50' E - 21' 07' S (15th Jan) occurs at .................................... 08:24 ut
             Sunset at bearing 156' 12' E - 22' 29' S (6th Jan) occurs at ................................................................. 08:24 ut

             Centre of sun on 93' 29' W + 7.5 degrees West = 100' 59' W (18th Jan) ............................................. 18:27 ut
             Centre of moon on 84' 50' W + 7.25 degrees East = 77' 35' W (15th Jan .............................................18:27 ut
             Sunset at bearing 170' 42' E - 15' 56' S ** (refer to New Moon time) occurs at .....................................18:27 ut

This formula is a simple attempt to see if the data in the table is relevant to determining time of event. The combinations focus on a region of Southern Iran, California and Central America ... it's mostly here for the record, and not as an official prediction.

Roger; I believe I may have found something of interest, that gives reason to suggest these co-ordinates are related to the current period .. and not constant. When I was trying to determine why the satellite feed resumed, at the same time as sunset on 175' East. I noticed it's sunset was constant on 07:01 ut between 4th and 26th Jan. It changed to 07:00 ut today, approx 24 hours before new moon. The rest of it's zones continued to change by one or two minutes each day during these dates.  Then I checked 163' East because it figures prominently with New Moon, and found it's sunrise time had remained constant at 19:39 ut from 8th Jan, and changes to 19:38 ut at 00:00 ut 28th, again its other zones changed day by day.  156' East has a constant, which is puzzling because it is sunset at 07:57 ut between 28th May and 18th June, but this one caught my eye because the sun is on 60' 45' E at 07:57 ut during this period. The last one I checked was 103' East because it has the furthest northern latitude (18' 34' N) of all the other co-ordinates.  And was surprised to find it's constant related to the night to day terminator at 22:08 ut, between 3rd and 18th June. The constants are related to the sun's lateral position, relative to Earth, at a specific time of year.  The sun has recently been at it's furthest Southerly latitude, and remained there for several days. It is now moving North and changing the constants as it does so. It means that any influence the co-ordinates had in relation to the quakes, is being removed because the constants are changing. The last two times I did this, any correlation became minimal after new moon ... that's why this experiment is being terminated after 01:19:05 ut 28th Jan .  I have not had sufficient time to investigate the other bearings, but I would imagine similar constants will be found. A preliminary run through the year, at bearing 175' East, only revealed the constant described, therefore it would suggest any other correlations would be random!  I have a theory why these co-ordinates seem to have some significance, but I'll wait for your input on this description first ... you may have noticed, I am quite adept at getting wrong ends of stick's !

I calculated more data from source today, but it is to late to include in this experiment. I'm making report of it here in case it figures in the current cycle. For some reason, it is also a partial repeat; 27th Jan 19:39 ut ... CS 109' 02' W - 18' 15' S ........ CM 112' 0' W - 16' 28' S.   What stands out here is 112' W has repeated again from 6th Jan data line, and 19:39 ut is the same as the sunrise constant at 163' 59' E - 18' 06' N ... 

Recent Events ...

26th Jan M 5.1 Near East Coast Honshu, Japan ... 142' 24' E - 40' 12' N .......................................................... 08:06:29 ut
                 Sunset at bearing 149' 38' E - 5' 22' N (6th Jan) occurred at ......................................................... 08:07 ut

27th Jan M 5.1 Antofagasta, Chile ... 68' 32' W - 22' 30' S ............................................................................... 13:23:30 ut
                 Sunrise at bearing 117' 12' W - 22' 38' S (4th Jan) occurred at ...................................................... 13:24 ut

27th Jan M 5.3 Ethiopia ... 38' 48' E - 7' 37' N ................................................................................................. 16:29:22 ut
                 Transition of day to night at bearing 54' 29' E - 22' 27' S (6th Jan) occurred at ................................ 16:30 ut

27th Jan M 5.6 Eastern Sichuan, China ... 104' 54' E - 28' 09' N ...... CM 101' 46' W (18th Jan) ........................... 18:46:37 ut

Duffy (01:19 ut !)


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Joining the seismic dots 16 / 1 / 2017 - by Duffy - 01-16-2017, 02:01 PM
RE: Joining the seismic dots 16 / 1 / 2017 - by Duffy - 01-28-2017, 01:20 AM

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