Joining the seismic dots 16 / 1 / 2017
(02-05-2017, 10:15 PM)Duffy Wrote: Roger;

You are right about computer simulation being necessary, I have to admit that I considered multiple hits on these bearings would be detrimental to my test. But it has also occurred to me that these bearings may be here all the time, my source indicates that they have meaning. That's why running another test should show if this is coin tossing or not.

Glad your participating in another attempt, I think you'd agree that it is an interesting idea, if only for the curiosity factor.  If you select 6 days and 8 times between 1st - 14th Feb ... and select 3 days and 4 times between 17th - 23rd Feb, the latter will approximate the extra data I added during my test.

I have come up with an interesting Idea about a trigger point, or to be more specific a possible way to find "day" of event. But there is one small problem with it ... you would need to know where the quake was going to occur first !.  I was curious why I could post a new bearing 47' 50' E - 18' 52' S at 15:50 ut on 25th Jan, and a 5.2 in Crete, 3 hours later, could share the same sunset time as the bearing !. I have been postulating about opposite longitude reactions, so I checked the opposite time longitude.  Put simply, if sunset in Crete was at 15:30 ut on 21st, then it must be sunrise at 03:30 ut on the opposite longitude. But as we have stated, the Earth is not perfectly round, and the angle of the terminator has to be taken into account.  Therefore the 5.2 in Crete occurred at 26' 24' E - 35' 18' N, but its opposite sunrise time longitude is on the Pukapuka ridge, South Pacific at 134' 23' W - 15' 31' S, approximately 700 miles North of Pitcairn Island.  

I noticed that the 2 minute sunrise band at Pukapuka Ridge on the 12th Jan was 03:34 - 03:36 ut, it remained this same time every day until the 17th.  It then changed to a 3 minute band between 03:34 - 03:37 ut, and remained as sunrise time until 25th, when it changed back to a 2 minute band between 03:34 - 03:36 ut again.

However, sunset on the 5.2 epicentre in Crete,was not constant during this period, it was altering 1 minute per day up to event time.  It shared the same sunset band of 15:30 - 15:33 ut as 47' 50' E, on the 22nd.  From this date the countdown is ; 23rd 15:31 - 15:34 ut ... 24th 15:32 - 15:35 ut ... 25th 15:33 - 15:36 ut.  I have probably lost you by now, but the point here is, sunset time in Crete equalled sunrise time in the South Pacific, on the same day the Pukapuka Ridge band went back to 03:36 ut, on the 25th Jan ... day of the quake.

Here is a table, representing a hypothetical scenario for an event in the "Sea of Marmara" that relies on hypothetically knowing where the quake will occur.  Again, the opposite time longitude is in the North Pacific at bearing 152' 06' W - 34' 18' N.  The hypothetical quake is at bearing 27' 54' E - 40' 52' N, it is an exact opposite longitude because dawn and dusk both play a part in this one ... abbreviated as DN dawn ... DK dusk

............. Pacific ............ Marmara
15th    DK 15:30 ut     DN 03:31 ut
          DN 05:17 ut     DK 17:15 ut

16th    DK 15:29 ut     DN 03:30 ut
          DN 05:18 ut     DK 17:16 ut

17th    DK 15:28 ut     DN 03:29 ut
          DN 05:19 ut     DK 17:18 ut

18th    DK 15:27 ut     DN 03:28 ut
          DN 05:20 ut     DK 17:19 ut

19th    DK 15:26 ut     DN 03:27 ut
          DN 05:20 ut     DK 17:20 ut

20th    DK 15:25 ut     DN 03:25 ut
          DN 05:21 ut     DK 17:21 ut

21st    DK 15:24 ut     DN 03:24 ut
          DN 05:22 ut     DK 17:22 ut

22nd   DK 15:22 ut     DN 03:23 ut
          DN 05:23 ut     DK 17:23 ut

23rd    DK 15:21 ut     DN 03:21 ut
          DN 05:24 ut     DK 17:24 ut

24th    DK 15:20 ut     DN 03:20 ut
          DN 05:25 ut     DK 17:25 ut

25th    DK 15:19 ut     DN 03:18 ut
          DN 05:25 ut     DK 17:26 ut

On the 19th Feb, you can see that both locations share the same dawn/dusk time longitude of 05:20 ut - 17:20 ut exactly 12 hours apart. On the 20th and 21st they share all 4 bands equally.   But on the 22nd, dusk in the Pacific changes by 2 minutes, and dawn in Marmara by 1 minute, which equates to a 1 minute difference between locations.  Then on the 23rd and 24th, all 4 bands are equal again ... and finally on the 25th no band matches any of the others.

My idea is that a sudden change in "time" contact on the 22nd, or re-establishing the bands on the 23rd may instigate an action, resulting in a hypothetical earthquake !.  These are still early thoughts, and I have to test this on other events yet.   But if over 50% of the quakes in my test had correlation with terminator zones at the time they occurred, then the terminator might be a good place to start looking for a trigger point ! 

I changed "transition" to dawn / dusk in hopes you can understand this better, because I'm not doing this for my health  Exclamation.



I'll be tied up for a couple of days due to guests staying with us.

It seems to me that this dawn/dusk business is just wiggle room to explain near misses. But I could be wrong.

I'll be back on this as soon as possible.



Messages In This Thread
Joining the seismic dots 16 / 1 / 2017 - by Duffy - 01-16-2017, 02:01 PM
RE: Joining the seismic dots 16 / 1 / 2017 - by Roger Hunter - 02-06-2017, 01:12 AM

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