Anyone seeing a correlation in So Cal?
Hi All,

Per my previous thread re Towsley Canyon and Ruby Canyon (Clearwater Fault) back in October 2014, I've been keeping tabs on things as far as general observations. Since, we've had some notable local seismic activity; the two recent quakes near the city and those three quakes in the north-west San Fernando Valley just outside of the Santa Clarita Valley.

My observations are completely lay person observations. But, the groundwater and oil coming out of the ground in Towsley Canyon seem to have increased. In particular, several of the oil bubblers are flowing over well beyond their typical perimeters.

In any event, I remind people to exercise preparedness. Funny, but people almost seem offended by the notion. I'm tired of being Chicken Little running around telling people to do what they should know what to do.

Again, if you need any photos or anything, just let me know. I can go out and do that in Towsley and in Ruby Canyon or wherever else locally.


Hi Tony,

I'm not able to do anything better than you can on this. I don't know whether you can do anything semi-quantitative, like collect a bunch of dated photos, and use them for some guestimate of flow volume, and then use this as some baseline if there is an even bigger volume of flow, followed by a M6+. It does not seem too likely that there is any link between what you are observing and the last two quakes more or less near Newport-Inglewood fault.


I would think that, if the quakes were much closer to Towsley or Ruby canyons, on or near their respective faults and folds, then there could be a correlation.

However, the recent quakes seem pretty clearly associated with the Newport-Inglewood-Rose Canyon fault system. So I don't think your observations are directly related.

However, it could still be, in that the quakes and your observations are related to a third as yet unobserved source which is causing both.

It's so hard to say since there is still so much unknown about what goes on "down there". Right now it's just impossible to take measurements of the conditions at any meaningful depth and on a large enough scale and resolution to build a picture of the state of the crust. The closest we have is the SAFOD project in Central California on the San Andreas. But that's only on data point. Everything else is just surface measurements and even though a lot can be inferred from that, it's still a pretty blurry picture.


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Hi Guys,

Thanks for the replies. Maybe I wasn't clear, but I was more referring to the quakes near the south end of Santa Clarita and the north west San Fernando Valley. But, in any event, the information is out there. We're definitely due for one either way.


Be well,


(05-06-2015, 08:10 PM)zinnanti Wrote: Hi Guys,

Thanks for the replies. Maybe I wasn't clear, but I was more referring to the quakes near the south end of Santa Clarita and the north west San Fernando Valley. But, in any event, the information is out there. We're definitely due for one either way.

Ahhh... my mistake. I didn't notice those quakes.

Being much closer there could be some relation to your observations. But as with anything seismic, it's so hard to tell except after the fact.


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