This is my first attempt at prediction, and would gladly have given a better image, I was concerned the primary antenna was failing signal reception due to poor recording yesterday. Ironically, I took it off line this morning to replace feed lines, so this recording is from the secondary antenna which isn't disighned to receive Earth bourn EM signals. I decided to post because it has similarities to the image in Radon thread. Earthquake track claiming M6 in Japan at 10:13 UT, no updates from USGS or BGS at the time of posting this. If anything occurs, I will elaborate more on the detail later.
(02-21-2015, 08:09 PM)Duffy Wrote: This is my first attempt at prediction, and would gladly have given a better image, I was concerned the primary antenna was failing signal reception due to poor recording yesterday. Ironically, I took it off line this morning to replace feed lines, so this recording is from the secondary antenna which isn't disighned to receive Earth bourn EM signals. I decided to post because it has similarities to the image in Radon thread. Earthquake track claiming M6 in Japan at 10:13 UT, no updates from USGS or BGS at the time of posting this. If anything occurs, I will elaborate more on the detail later.
Duffy, you list two minimum mags. Is that a problem with the data format or did you mean 6 to 7?
(02-21-2015, 08:09 PM)Duffy Wrote: This is my first attempt at prediction, and would gladly have given a better image, I was concerned the primary antenna was failing signal reception due to poor recording yesterday. Ironically, I took it off line this morning to replace feed lines, so this recording is from the secondary antenna which isn't disighned to receive Earth bourn EM signals. I decided to post because it has similarities to the image in Radon thread. Earthquake track claiming M6 in Japan at 10:13 UT, no updates from USGS or BGS at the time of posting this. If anything occurs, I will elaborate more on the detail later.
Duffy, you list two minimum mags. Is that a problem with the data format or did you mean 6 to 7?
WOOOPS!!! That's a mistake on my part in the script. The first one is minimum, the second maximum.
I'll fix it, and it should change on all messages.
(02-21-2015, 08:09 PM)Duffy Wrote: This is my first attempt at prediction, and would gladly have given a better image, I was concerned the primary antenna was failing signal reception due to poor recording yesterday. Ironically, I took it off line this morning to replace feed lines, so this recording is from the secondary antenna which isn't disighned to receive Earth bourn EM signals. I decided to post because it has similarities to the image in Radon thread. Earthquake track claiming M6 in Japan at 10:13 UT, no updates from USGS or BGS at the time of posting this. If anything occurs, I will elaborate more on the detail later.
Duffy, you list two minimum mags. Is that a problem with the data format or did you mean 6 to 7?
WOOOPS!!! That's a mistake on my part in the script. The first one is minimum, the second maximum.
I'll fix it, and it should change on all messages.
On the ball, way to go!
Also I wonder if it means 6.0 to 7.0 or 6.0 to 7.9...
(02-21-2015, 08:09 PM)Duffy Wrote: This is my first attempt at prediction, and would gladly have given a better image, I was concerned the primary antenna was failing signal reception due to poor recording yesterday. Ironically, I took it off line this morning to replace feed lines, so this recording is from the secondary antenna which isn't disighned to receive Earth bourn EM signals. I decided to post because it has similarities to the image in Radon thread. Earthquake track claiming M6 in Japan at 10:13 UT, no updates from USGS or BGS at the time of posting this. If anything occurs, I will elaborate more on the detail later.
Duffy, you list two minimum mags. Is that a problem with the data format or did you mean 6 to 7?
WOOOPS!!! That's a mistake on my part in the script. The first one is minimum, the second maximum.
I'll fix it, and it should change on all messages.
On the ball, way to go!
Also I wonder if it means 6.0 to 7.0 or 6.0 to 7.9...
This prediction is a hit already; a quake near Honshu Japan at 10:00:58 UTC
This prediction is a hit already; a quake near Honshu Japan at 10:00:58 UTC
That's cutting it a little too close for comfort.
As Mr. Spock would say.... intriguing.
Hi Guys;
Not holding much hope for this one, more like a test run, not usually that confident without both systems running. Solar storm started at 10:00 UT, could be this, in my haste I forgot to check OOP's!.
Took me 10 minutes to load image and text, and 40 minutes before prediction table stopped rejecting my imput!, originally typed 10:30 UT for start and finish time (48 hours from when disruption started in image), post reply came out as 10:00 UT on both counts.
The mag 6 to 7 is right, still can't find the 10:00:58 UT quake in Honshu, Japan, only the 10:13:54 on 21st (yesterday), unless it was Roger's washing machine ?.
Main system back online today, done a bit more revamping, might even pickup Roger's washing machine .
Hope prediction table works ok next time, because at the moment as McCoy would say
This prediction is a hit already; a quake near Honshu Japan at 10:00:58 UTC
That's cutting it a little too close for comfort.
As Mr. Spock would say.... intriguing.
Hi Guys;
Not holding much hope for this one, more like a test run, not usually that confident without both systems running. Solar storm started at 10:00 UT, could be this, in my haste I forgot to check OOP's!.
Took me 10 minutes to load image and text, and 40 minutes before prediction table stopped rejecting my imput!, originally typed 10:30 UT for start and finish time (48 hours from when disruption started in image), post reply came out as 10:00 UT on both counts.
The mag 6 to 7 is right, still can't find the 10:00:58 UT quake in Honshu, Japan, only the 10:13:54 on 21st (yesterday), unless it was Roger's washing machine ?.
Main system back online today, done a bit more revamping, might even pickup Roger's washing machine .
Hope prediction table works ok next time, because at the moment as McCoy would say
"It's dead Jim"
Not sure weather I got a hit today, but I think I'll hit the bottle instead, thought I'd try a "Tequila" !!!.
This prediction is a hit already; a quake near Honshu Japan at 10:00:58 UTC
That's cutting it a little too close for comfort.
As Mr. Spock would say.... intriguing.
Hi Guys;
Not holding much hope for this one, more like a test run, not usually that confident without both systems running. Solar storm started at 10:00 UT, could be this, in my haste I forgot to check OOP's!.
Took me 10 minutes to load image and text, and 40 minutes before prediction table stopped rejecting my imput!, originally typed 10:30 UT for start and finish time (48 hours from when disruption started in image), post reply came out as 10:00 UT on both counts.
The mag 6 to 7 is right, still can't find the 10:00:58 UT quake in Honshu, Japan, only the 10:13:54 on 21st (yesterday), unless it was Roger's washing machine ?.
Main system back online today, done a bit more revamping, might even pickup Roger's washing machine .
Hope prediction table works ok next time, because at the moment as McCoy would say
"It's dead Jim"
Not sure weather I got a hit today, but I think I'll hit the bottle instead, thought I'd try a "Tequila" !!!.
H Duffy;
You found the right quake. I was typing from memory, always a mistake with me.
There was another one in Mexico today. No signal on that one?